Parkinson's Disease: Things You Need to Know

Parkinson's disease is characterised by a progressive disorder that affects our nervous system and interfere in their functions. This condition affects body part’s movement controlled by those nerves. The most difficult thing with this condition is it starts to show symptoms very slowly. The first symptoms could be a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand maybe. However, it’s not about the tremor but this disorder also causes movement issues or stiffness in body. You must seek tremor treatment centre in Jalandhar to manage the disease better. Symptoms: The signs and symptoms for Parkinson's disease can be different for individual. Usually, the early signs are mild which go unnoticed. The symptoms start to show on one side of the body and get worsen in that part only. But at some point, the symptoms begin to affect the limbs functionality on both sides. Tremor- also characterised by rhythmic shaking, begins in a limb or hand or fingers. Rubbing thumb and forefinger ba...