Parkinson's Disease: Things You Need to Know
Parkinson's disease is characterised by a progressive disorder that affects our nervous system and interfere in their functions. This condition affects body part’s movement controlled by those nerves. The most difficult thing with this condition is it starts to show symptoms very slowly. The first symptoms could be a barely noticeable tremor in just one hand maybe. However, it’s not about the tremor but this disorder also causes movement issues or stiffness in body. You must seek tremor treatment centre in Jalandhar to manage the disease better.
The signs and symptoms for Parkinson's disease can be different for individual. Usually, the early signs are mild which go unnoticed. The symptoms start to show on one side of the body and get worsen in that part only. But at some point, the symptoms begin to affect the limbs functionality on both sides.
- Tremor- also characterised by rhythmic shaking, begins in a limb or hand or fingers. Rubbing thumb and forefinger back and forth may help. This is called a pill-rolling tremor and the shaking usually decrease when you start to work.
- Bradykinesia – Characterised by slowed movement makes performing simple tasks difficult and time-consuming. For example, your steps may become slower and shorter while walking. Your feet may shuffle while you try to walk. Even sitting down and getting up from a chair can get difficult. Seek help from Parkinson’s disease treatment centre to get better help with managing the symptoms.
- Rigid muscles - it may occur in any part of the body and can be painful and may affect your movements.
- Impaired posture and balance – stooped posture may make you fall down as a result of Parkinson's disease.
- No automatic movements - decreased ability to perform unconscious body movements such as blinking eyes or smiling or swinging arms while walking.
- Difficulty in speech – speech can become slur, or you may speak softly or hesitate before talking.
- Writing difficulty – you may find difficulty in writing and your handwriting may become smaller.
If you or your known ones are showing any of these symptoms, seek help from best Parkinson’s disease doctors in India. NHS Neuro Care has the best experts on board who uses latest technology to make your condition better and life easier.
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