Parkinson’s Disease: Some Frequently Asked Question

Q. What is Parkinson’s disease? 

It is a progressive disorder that’s stops your brain from producing chemicals mainly dopamine that control our body’s movements. Taking Parkinson’s disease treatment can help normalise the symptoms but cannot cure the disease. 

Q. What causes Parkinson’s disease?

The actual cause behind Parkinson’s disease is still not discovered. But doctors speculates that due to the combination of genetic, environmental and lifestyle influences, it occurs. Usually, this condition starts to begin around the age of 60 or older. The risk associated with this disease increases with age. It has been seen that this disease affects men more than women. Having a family history of Parkinson's disease increases the possibilities for you to get it. 

Q. Can Parkinson’s disease be prevented?

As the reason behind Parkinson's is unknown, it is hard to find the prevention. Parkinson’s disease doctor in Jalandhar recommends that regular aerobic exercise help to reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease.

Q. What are the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease?

Symptoms of Parkinson’s disease include shaking, muscle stiffness, slowness, freezing, dizziness when standing, impaired balance, posture, reduced facial expressions, difficulty in speech and swallowing.

Q. What are the treatment options for Parkinson’s disease?

Parkinson’s disease treatment in Jalandhar includes various methods such as medication, therapies and deep brain stimulation. These treatments help to ease the symptoms only but there is no cure for the disease.

Q. What is Deep Brain Stimulation?

In simple words, it can be described as brain’s pacemaker. It sends electrical signals to the brain. It’s a surgical procedure where the Neurosurgeons use microelectrode recording and other advanced techniques to implant an electrode in the chest near collar bone. This delivers electrical currents to the brain. This help in regulating the abnormal brain cell activity and may reduce the disease symptoms.

Looking for a Parkinson’s disease specialist in Jalandhar? NHS Neurocare offers advanced diagnostic and treatment facilities for Parkinson’s disease and other neurological disorders. They also provide palliative care required for various neurological disease symptoms. Get in touch to know more.8


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